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Protecting Ancient Trees Campaign

In April 2023, I was announced as one of the Winners of the Woodland Trust’s national ‘Youth Igniting Innovation Challenge’. This challenge invited passionate young people to share their brightest ideas for a healthier planet, with a chance to develop real life projects. And I was lucky enough for my project ‘Protecting Ancient Trees’ to be chosen. 


Through this project, I have created a variety of content and media to share focussing on threats to ancient trees and woodlands, and the preventative measures we can take to protect these habitats and individual trees.
This campaign also encourages people to spend more time outdoors with nature and we have provided information on how we can do this in an eco-conscious way and minimise disturbance to the wildlife around us.

Interpretation Board Design

I have designed and created an interpretation board about how members of the public can help to protect ancient trees. These signs will educate visitors about the threats to ancient trees and provide practical actions they can take to help protect them. Signage has been installed at the National Trust’s Dyrham Park site and at the Woodland Trust’s Hainault Forest visitors centre. This interpretation board design is available for other nature reserves and sites with ancient trees to download the printable poster version for free. This way the message about ancient trees can be spread to even more people! Click on the design image to download a copy.

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